Three Types of Women's Lifestyle Blogs to Follow

Posted on: 22 July 2019


Women's lifestyle blogs can serve as a source of motivation and information about a wide range of topics. In addition to following blogs that are relevant to your interests and lifestyle, seek out blogs that can provide you with candid information on diverse topics women may face.

Body Positivity

Body image is a major topic among women and you may be surprised at the variety of women who are trying to overcome struggles with how they look. The goal of body positivity is to embrace all shapes, sizes, and individual differences. You should follow blogs that represent women who may look different than you. Many of these women have become influencers and can be seen on various campaigns for clothing stores. Following these blogs can make more women feel good about their own body, but since you see more variety in media campaigns, it changes the perception of what a "normal" body looks like.

Career Development

Women who discuss career development, whether they are in the process of reaching their goals or are at the top of their career, can be a motivational tool. Additionally, these women can offer a realistic perspective about any hurdles they have faced along the way, especially if they are in fields that are traditionally male-dominated. For example, chefs, lawyers, and women in corporate positions may be among the people who speak candidly about hurdles they experienced or continue to experience. Not only may they offer suggestions about breaking into the field, but there may be discussion about appropriate attire in certain jobs.


Some of the best health and fitness blogs to follow are not just about losing weight and staying in shape, but women who participate in strength sports. Whether these women lift weights for their personal goals or compete in physique or lifting competitions, their experiences can be highly motivational, even if you do not aspire to lift weights. Other blogs you should consider are ones regarding nutrition, but those who showcase meals and plans that are realistic. Some women struggle to lose weight or maintain their shape and resort to eating too few calories each day. There are plenty of bloggers that show women that starving themselves is not the way to weight loss or improved health. Some of these women have overcome eating disorders and recognize it is an ongoing struggle to accept that more food is actually better for their body.

Women's lifestyle blogs are not only a wealth of information, but some blogs seek to build a community around their topic. Following various blogs can help you realize you are not alone if you are facing challenges or need motivation.